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Dr. Dhanya M.K.

Dr. Dhanya M.K.
Associate Professor (Plant Pathology)
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Dr. Dhanya M.K attained her Ph.D degree in Plant Pathology from the Kerala Agricultural University.. Her notable works include management of major diseases in spices using bio agents and less toxic fungicides, studies on the compatibility of bio agents with pesticides, correlation between weather parameters and pest and disease development in spices, biochemical defence mechanisms in disease tolerant plants, drought mitigation in spice crops using beneficial microbes and genetic variation and qualitative aspects of major spices. She identified three pathogenic fungi in small cardamom. . She is  one of the the editors of the book “Cardamom [Elettaria cardamomum (L.)MATON] :Production, Breeding,Management, Phytochemistry And Health Beneifits”  published by Nova scientific publishers,New York.


1. K. D. Prathapan, K. N. Anith, M.H. Faizal, M. Lekha and M. K. Dhanya (2008). A report on Sipyloidea stigmata Redtenbacher (Diapheromeridae: Necrosciinae) as the first phasmid crop pest in India and its redescription. Zootaxa pp. 58-64. (NAAS score: 6.00).

2. V.R Prakash, M.K. Dhanya, S.Venugopal, K. Sanjeevkumar and A. Eswaran. (2008). First report of southern blight disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii on begonia in India. Plant Archives, 8 (1), p- 385-386.

3. M. Rajitha, J.Dhanya, M.K. Dhanya, T,Hegde, K.Makesh and M.L Jeeva. (2011). In vitro growth response of different varieties of greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.). Journal of Root Crops. 37(1):p. 54-59.

4. M. Rajitha , J, Dhanya, M.K. Dhanya, H.Vinayaka, and M.L Jeeva. (2011). Hot water treatment: An efficient method for elimination of yam mild mosaic virus in Dioscorea alata. Journal of Root Crops. 37(1): p. 60-64.

5. G. Sivakumar, A. Josephrajkumar and M.K. Dhanya (2012). Evaluation of bacterial antagonists for the management of rhizome rot of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops. 21 (1): 09-15. (NAAS score: 5.11).

6. G. Sivakumar, M.K. Dhanya and R. Narayana (2014). Validation of a technology for the management of Phytophthora foot rot disease in black pepper. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology. 44(3).

7. R. Narayana and M.K. Dhanya (2014). Infestation of Quadrastichus erythrinae kim (Eulopidae : Hymenoptera) an invasive pest on Erythina spp, a popular standard for black pepper (Piper nigrum) in idukki district in Kerala, India. Entomon. 39(3): 143-150 (NAAS: 4.69)

8. G. Sivakumar, M.K. Dhanya & M. Murugan (2014). Induced defense response in small cardamom plants by Bacillus subtilis strain Bs against capsule rot pathogen, Phytophthora meadii. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops. 24(1): 12-17. (NAAS score: 5.11).

9. M.K. Dhanya, K.B. Anjumol, M. Murugan and Deepthy K.B. (2016). Compatibility of Trichoderma viride and Pseudomonas fluorescens with plant protection chemicals and fertilizers in cardamom. Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 54(2) p.129-135. (NAAS score: 4.85)

10. M.K. Dhanya, M. Murugan, K.B. Anjumol and K.S. Meena Kumari (2017) Efficacies of fungicides and biocontrol agents on the management of rot disease of small cardamom. J Mycol Pl Pathol. 47(3). p. 346-354 9 (NAAS Score: 5.79)

11. M. Murugan, R. Ravi, A. Anandhi, Sajan Kurien and M. K. Dhanya (2017) Pesticide use in Indian cardamom needs change in cultivation practices. CURRENT SCIENCE. Vol. 113(6-25). p.1058-63 (ISI-JCR Impact Factor: 0.73).

12. K.B. Deepthy, Sunil Joshi, V.S. Manoj, M.K. Dhanya, T. Maya, K. P. Kuriakose and K.P. Krishnaprasad (2017). A new report of the myrmecophilous root mealy 3 bug Xenococcus annandalei Silvestri (Rhizoecidae: Hemiptera) - a devastating pest. ENTOMON. 42(3): 185-192. (NAAS: 4.69).

13. T.T. Preethy, T.S. Aswathy, T. Sathyan, M.K. Dhanya and M. Murugan (2018) Performance, diversity analysis and character association of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) accessions in the high altitude of Idukki district, Kerala. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops. 27(1): 17-21. (NAAS score: 5.11).

14. T.S. Aswathy, M.K. Dhanya, J. Jintu, T. Sathyan, T.T. Preethy and M. Murugan (2018). Effect of biofertilizers and organic supplements on the growth of black pepper rooted cuttings (Piper nigrum L.). Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops. 27(1): 54-58. (NAAS score: 5.11).

15. M.K. Dhanya, M. Murugan, K. B. Deepthy, T.S. Aswathy and T. Sathyan.(2018). Management of Fusarium rot in small cardamom. Indian journal of plant protection. Vol. 46(1): 57-62.

16. M.K. Dhanya T. Sathyan, M. Murugan, K. Ashokkumar, and R. Surya. (2019). In- vitro compatibility of Entomopathogenic fungi with synthetic insecticides and neem oil. Pesticide Research Journal, 31(2): 275-281. (NAAS: 5.49)

 17. M. Murugan., M.K. Dhanya, K. Ashokkumar, T. Sathyan and R. Surya. (2019). Changes of enzyme activities and phytochemical constituents in small cardamom capsules caused by the infestation of thrips, Sciothrips cardamomi (Ramk.). Research Journal of Biotechnology, 14(10):113-116. (NAAS rating: 4.00).

18. K. Ashokkumar, M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya, R. Surya. and D. Kamaraj (2019). Phytochemical variations among four distinct varieties of Indian cardamom Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton. Natural Products Research. DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2018.1561687. (ISI-JCR Impact Factor: 2.862).

19. K. Ashokkumar, A. Pandiyan, M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya, T. Sathyan, P. Sivakumar, and R. Surya, (2018). Simple and rapid extraction method for determination of carotenoids in the edible parts of Vitis vinifera, Vaccinum sect. cyanococcus, Ipomoea batatas and Capsicum annum. Advances in Research.17 (4): 1-8. https://doi:10.9734/air/2018/45132. (NAAS: 4.80).

20. K. Ashokkumar, M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya,and D. Thomas, (2020). Botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry and biological activities of cardamom [Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton]- A critical review. Journal of ethnopharmacology.246:112244. (ISI-JCR Impact Factor: 3.690).

 21. K. Ashokkumar, A. Pandiyan, M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya, T. Sathyan, P. Sivakumar, and R. Surya, T.D. Warkentin, (2020). Profiling bioactive flavonoids and carotenoids in select south Indian spices and nuts. Natural Products Research. 34(9): 1306-1310. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2018.1557179. (ISI-JCR Impact Factor: 2.862)

22. K. Ashokkumar, M.K. Dhanya, M. Murugan,K. V. Haritha, M.Nimisha, R. Surya,(2020). Simple and efficient DNA isolation protocol for small cardamom [Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton]. Research Journal of Biotechnology,15(7): 21-25 (NAAS:4.00). 4

23. K. Ashokkumar,S. Vellaikumar, M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya,S. Aiswarya (2020) Compositional variation in the leaf, mace, kernel, and seed essential oil of nutmeg (MyristicafragransHoutt.) from the Western Ghats, India. Natural Product Research. : https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2020.1771713 (ISI-JCR Impact Factor: 2.862).

 24. K.Ashokkumar, M. K. Dhanya, M. Murugan, K. V. Haritha, M. Nimisha and S. Aiswarya,(2020) Assessment of variation in volatile oil content in cardamom [Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton]. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding,11(4): 1007-1014. (NAAS score: 5.14)

25. K. Ashokkumar, Sampathrajan,V., M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya, Manoharan.k., Gunasekeran, A., Aiswarya, S., Warkentin, T., Adhimoolar, K., (2021). Essential oil profile diversity in cardamom accessions from Southern India, Frontiers in sustainable food systems, http://journal .frontiersinin.org/article/10.3389/fsufs2021.639619 [SCOPUS indexed]

 26. K. Ashokkumar, M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya, Arjun Pandian, Warkentin, T. (2021). Phytochemistry and therapeutic potential of black pepper (Piper nigrum (L.) essential oil and piperine: a review. Clinical Phytoscience, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40816-021-00292-2. Springer publication. 7:52

 27. M.K. Dhanya, M. Murugan, S.P. Doncy, J. Bisnamol, T.T. Neenu, K. Ashokkumar, C.R. Rini, M. Nimisha (2021) .In vitro study on the effectiveness of fungicides and bioagents aganist three new fungal pathogens in small cardamom [Ellettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton]. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 59 (1): 86-94 (NAAS score: 4.85)

 28. M.C. Veni Krishna, M.K. Dhanya, M. Joy, N.S. Radhika, B. Aparna.2021. Interactive effect of biocontrol agents in the management of Fusarium rot in cardamom and its impacts on plant defence mechanism. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 30(1): 50-57. (NAAS score: 5.11).

29. M.K. Dhanya, M. Murugan, T.T. Neenu, K. J. Bisnamol, K Ashokkumar, R. Surya, S.P. Doncy, M. Nimisha (2021). First report of Phoma sp.in small cardamom, Indian Phytopathology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42360-021- 00401-8 (NAAS score: 5.95)

30. K. Ashokkumar,S. Vellaikumar, M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya, A.Karthikeyan,G. Ariharasutharsan,P.Arjun,P.Siakumar,S. Aiswarya (2021). GC/MS Analysis of essential oil composition from selected seed spices, The National Academy of Science Letter, https:/doi.org/10.1007/s4009-021-01066-7 (Impact Factor : 0.78)

 31. K. Ashokkumar, S. Vellaikumar, M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya, A.Karthikeyan, S. Aiswarya, M.Nimisha.2021. Assessment of phytochemical diversity in essential oil composition of eighteen Piper nigrum (L.) accessions from southern India.Journal of essential oil research( Impact factor:1.96)

32. A.Sajeena ,G. P Rao, M Deepu , J. Jacob ,M.K. Dhanya,R Ayisha,and MG Reddy.2021.First report of Candidatus Phytoplasma cynodontis (16S rXIV-A sub group) associated with cauliflower phyllody and flat stem in India, Plant Disease, published online (Impact factor: 4.43)

33. T. Sathyan, M. K. Dhanya, M.Murugan, K. Ashokkumar, T. S. Aswathy, R. Narayana and K.B Deepthy. 2021. Evaluation of bioagents, synthetic insecticides and organic amendment against the root knot nematode Meloidogyne spp. in cardamom (Elettaria Cardomomum (L.) Maton. Journal of Biological Control 35 (2) : (NAAS score: 4.99).


34.M.Murugan,K.Ashokkumar,M.Alagupalamuthirsolai,A.Anandhi,R.Ravi,M.K.Dhanya,T.Sathyan.2022.Understanding the effects of cardamom cultivation on its local environment using novel systems thinking approach- the case of Indian cardamom hills .Front.Sustain.Food Syst.https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2022.728651



1. M.K. Dhanya, Sivakumar, G. Murugan, M. and Narayana R. 2015. Comparative efficacy of chemical and biological methods in controlling capsule rot of small cardamom, In:Phytophthora disease of plantation crops. (Eds. Jacob, M., Bindu Roy, C., Curuvila J.C and Ramachandran, N). IRRI, Kottayam. p. 88-90.

2. G. Sivakumar, M.K. Dhanya. 2015 Effect of potassium phosphonate and Trichoderma harzianum on Phytophthora foot rot in black pepper, In:Phytophthora disease of plantation crops.(Eds. Jacob, M., Bindu Roy, C., Curuvila J.C and Ramachandran, N.) IRRI Kottayam. p. 94-96.

3. M.K. Dhanya, C.R. Rini, K. Ashokkumar, M. Murugan, R. Surya and T. Sathyan. 2018 Bio-intensive approaches for management of pests and diseases in small cardamom and black pepper. In: Bio intensive approaches: Application and effectiveness in the management of plant nematodes,insects and weeds (Eds. M. R. Khan, A.N. Mukhopadhyay, R.N. Pandey, M.P. Thakur, Dinesh Singh, M. A. Siddiqui, Md. Akram, F.a. Mohiddin and Z. Haque),Today and Tomorrows Printers and Publishers, p. 549-585

4. K. Ashokkumar, M. Murugan, M.K Dhanya, T. Sathyan, S. Raj and M. Nimisha (2020). Traditional uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Properties of Zingiber officinale Essential Oil and Extracts. In: Ethnopharmacological Investigation of Indian Spices. Eds. Neha Mishra. ISBN: 9781799825241. Pp 62-84. DoI:10.4018/978-1-7998-2524-1.ch005

5. M. Murugan, M.K. Dhanya, T. Sathayn, R. Surya, K. Ashokkumar, And S. Amalu, (2019). Impact of Climate change in cultivation of cardamom. In: Impact of Climate change in Agriculture. Eds. P.H. Kurien, Sajini VS, Anjana TP, Joy AMP, Thambi AHS, Sreelakshmi M. Pp.124-129. ISBN: 978-81-935344-2-7 (Malayalam).

Chapters 6-12 In: Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum (L.)Maton) Production,Breeding, Management,Phytochemistry and Health Benefits. K. Ashokkumar, M. Murugan and M. K. Dhanya (Ed.),Nova Science Publishers,New York,

6. M. Murugan, K. Ashokkumar, M. K. Dhanya and A. Subbiah. 2021 History of Land and Agriculture in the Indian Cardamom Hills, p;1-20

7. M. Nimisha, H. C. Vikram, K. Ashokkumar, M. K. Dhanya, M. Murugan and S. Anu, 2021, Cultivation, Harvesting, Processing and Products of Cardamom. p;21-52.

8. K .Ashokkumar, M. Murugan, M. K. Dhanya, M. Alagupalamuthirsolai, T. Sathyan and S. J. Prince. 2021, Plant Breeding Approaches for Cardamom Improvement .p;53-82 6

9. K. B.Deepthy, T. Sathyan, M. K. Dhanya, M. Murugan, Sachin G. Pai and O. M. Shana, 2021,Pest Complex in Cardamom and Their Management .,p;103- 136

10.M. K. Dhanya, R. Ayisha, M. Murugan, K. Ashokkumar, T. Sathyan, K. B. Deepthi, M. Aishwarya, V. Nijamol and M. Nimisha,2021,Diseases of Small Cardamom and Their Management, p;137-166

11. T. Sathyan, K. B. Deepthy, M. K. Dhanya, M. Murugan and O. M.Shana,2021, Bio-Pesticidesfor the Management of Pests and Diseases in Cardamom, p;167-192

12. Kaliyaperumal Ashokkumar, Muthusamy Murugan, M. K. Dhanya, Arjun Pandian,Saradhadevi Muthukrishnan and Sampathrajan Vellaikumar,2021, Cardamom as a Source of Biologically Active Compounds: Essential Oil and Biological Activity, p;207-226



  • Co-author of the research paper entitled “Growth and yield of cardamom variety PV2 as influenced by organic amendments in high uplands of Idukki, Kerala received the best poster award in National conference on organic agriculture and Natural farming organized by organic agricultural society of India and Dept. of organic agriculture and natural farming held at CSKHPKV, Palampur.
  • Co-author of the research paper entitled ‘Pesticide residue management in small cardamom received best poster award in National Webinar on Spice Improvement Processing and Marketing’ , organised by Regional Agricultural Research Station, Southern Zone, Kerala Agricultural University 7-8 october 2020
  • Co-author of the research paper entitled “Evaluation of promising small cardamom ( Elettaria cardamomum Maton ) cultivars/varieties for organic cultivation in the high ranges of Idukki district”received best poster award in National Webinar on Spice Improvement Processing and Marketing’ , organised by Regional Agricultural Research Station, Southern Zone, Kerala Agricultural University 7-8 october 2020
  • Co-author of the research paper entitled “Molecular diagnostics of emerging diseases of vegetables in Kerala “received best oral presentation award in National symposium on Sustainable plant health management amidst covid Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies “, organised by the South Zone chapter of Indian phytopathological Society in association with ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, 1-3 December 2021


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Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kumarakom
Kerala Agricultural University
Kumarakom Kerala 686563